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Filtering by Tag: community orchard

visual history

Megan Betz

To get a better understanding of BCO’s orchard site and find visual components to support the narrative in my dissertation, I asked BCO if they could share what maps were available in their ad hoc archive. This is a big ask of an all-volunteer organization with nearly 10 years of history, but several folks volunteered to dig through their supplies. I was amazed at what they found. (Thank you, Amy, Dani, Ashley, & Josh, for bringing these documents back to the surface for us.) In addition to one of the earliest maps, I was able to piece together the evolution of the site as design team members edited the maps. See the sequence below to learn more.

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Megan Betz

For years, the Orchard has come close to having a large crop of peaches only to have them vanish just before harvesting. The story didn't seem to line up for Orchard volunteers or others to come in and snag them, and no one had shared news of enjoying a harvest--something folks aren't shy to do. So, what creature was snagging the fruit? See the post to find out.

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more journalism & public scholarship

Megan Betz

I was happy when a pitch was well received at Limestone Post. While the piece I wrote, released today and detailing the vanishing peaches, doesn't yet capture the mode public scholarship I aspire to, I was able to receive feedback from a variety of Orchard leaders to fact check and help clarify the message. More importantly, the piece reflects a tonal and audience shift. The publication brings to mind some of the concerns facing my colleagues as we set out on careers in academia. How do we earn living wages while completing our graduate studies?

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