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#AAGDC, part 1

Megan Betz


Each year at AAGs, part of the notes I make are readings I need to revisit. Many times, those notes get forgotten in the rush of getting home & settling back into dissertation writing, parenting, working, living. This year, I wanted to capture them all & figure out where to go with them. I think this list shows a few things: the productive overlap between decolonial, (Black) feminist, and multispecies; the amount of information we take in at AAGs (for me, during 3 sessions a day Thursday through Sunday); the fact that there’s always more reading (& that I can’t read all of this while getting my dissertation done, because this list will lead to another list). I have more thoughts on AAGs, which I’m hoping to share here in the coming weeks, but in the chance your reading list also gets forgotten in the shuffle, I wanted to share this. May it jog some memories or send you into that glorious “flow state,” tumbling through a wormhole of citations & chasing the ideas for your next paper. May it also, for me personally, be an inch toward a stronger politics of citations–a weeding out of voices we’ve heard & amplifying of voices we need. This list isn’t as robust in that way as it could be, & I welcome your additions. Share your own lists, too! Let’s make the work we did last week memorable & visible.


  • Barad, Karen. Meeting the universe halfway: Quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. duke university Press, 2007.

  • de La Bellacasa, Maria Puig. "Matters of care in technoscience: Assembling neglected things." Social studies of science 41.1 (2011): 85-106.

  • Deborah Bird, et al. "Thinking through the environment, unsettling the humanities." Environmental Humanities 1.1 (2012): 1-5.

  • Fried, Stephanie G. "Tropical forests forever? A contextual ecology of Bentian rattan agroforestry systems." People, plants, and justice: The politics of nature conservation. Columbia University Press, New York (2000): 204-233.

  • Ginn, Franklin. "Death, absence and afterlife in the garden." cultural geographies 21.2 (2014): 229-245.

  • Han, Ju Hui Judy. "Neither friends nor foes: Thoughts on ethnographic distance." Geoforum 41.1 (2010): 11-14.

  • Irigaray, Luce, and Michael Marder. Through Vegetal Being: Two Philosophical Perspectives. Columbia University Press, 2016.

  • Lorimer, Hayden. "Cultural geography: the busyness of beingmore-than-representational'." Progress in human geography 29.1 (2005): 83-94.

  • Lorimer, Jamie. "Nonhuman charisma." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 25.5 (2007): 911-932.

  • Margulies, Jared D. "Making the ‘man-eater’: Tiger conservation as necropolitics." Political Geography 69 (2019): 150-161.

  • Margulis, Lynn. Symbiotic planet: a new look at evolution. Basic Books, 2008.

  • Margulis, Lynn, and Karlene V. Schwartz. Five kingdoms. WH freeman, 1988.

  • Massumi, Brian. "The autonomy of affect." Cultural critique 31 (1995): 83-109.

  • Mol, Anne-Marie

  • Nealon, Jeffrey T. Plant theory: Biopower and vegetable life. Stanford University Press, 2015.

  • Philo, Chris, and Chris Wilbert. Animal Spaces, Beastly Places. Routledge, 2004.

  • Roelvink, Gerda, Kevin St Martin, and J. K. Gibson-Graham, eds. Making other worlds possible: Performing diverse economies. U of Minnesota Press, 2015.

  • Rose, Frickel, Scott, et al. "Undone science: charting social movement and civil society challenges to research agenda setting." Science, Technology, & Human Values 35.4 (2010): 444-473.

  • Santos-Granero, Fernando

  • Simon, Gregory L., and Sarah Dooling. "Flame and fortune in California: The material and political dimensions of vulnerability." Global Environmental Change 23.6 (2013): 1410-1423.

  • Taylor, Sunaura. “On Ableism and Animals.” The New Inquiry, May 30, 2017.

  • Tsing, Anna. Friction: An ethnography of global connection. Princeton University Press, 2011.

  • Van Dooren, Thom, and Deborah Bird Rose. "Storied-places in a multispecies city." Humanimalia 3.2 (2012): 1-27.

  • Woese, Carl R., Otto Kandler, and Mark L. Wheelis. "Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87.12 (1990): 4576-4579.


  • Gagliano, Monica. Thus Spoke the Plant. North Atlantic Books, 2018.


  • Ahmed, Sara. "Collective feelings: Or, the impressions left by others." Theory, culture & society 21.2 (2004): 25-42.

  • Blair, Heather. “Grief in the Grocery Store.” Standing Still Magazine, April 22, 2015.

  • Clarke, Adele E., Carrie Friese, and Rachel Washburn. "Introduction to situational analysis." (2011).

  • Gould, Kevin A. "Anxiety, epistemology, and policy research “behind enemy lines”." Geoforum 41.1 (2010): 15-18.

  • Jackson, Zakiyyah Iman. "Animal: New directions in the theorization of race and posthumanism." (2013): 669-685.

  • Lewis, Jovan Scott. "Releasing a Tradition: Diasporic Epistemology and the Decolonized Curriculum." The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 36.2 (2018): 21-33.

  • Lugones, María. “Toward a Decolonial Feminism” Hypatia, 25.4 (2010): 742–759.

  • Mirza, Heidi Safia. "All the women are white, all the blacks are men–but some of us are brave: mapping the consequences of invisibility for black and minority ethnic women in Britain." Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain (2003): 121-138.

  • Murphy, Michelle. "Immodest witnessing: The epistemology of vaginal self-examination in the US feminist self-help movement." Feminist Studies 30.1 (2004): 115-147.


  • Bodorkós, Barbara, and György Pataki. "Local communities empowered to plan? Applying PAR to establish democratic communicative spaces for sustainable rural development." Action Research 7.3 (2009): 313-334.

  • Brydon-Miller, Mary, Davydd Greenwood, and Patricia Maguire. "Why action research?." (2003): 9-28.

  • Derickson, Kate Driscoll, and Paul Routledge. "Resourcing scholar-activism: Collaboration, transformation, and the production of knowledge." The Professional Geographer 67.1 (2015): 1-7.

  • Reason, Peter, and Hilary Bradbury, eds. Handbook of action research: Participative inquiry and practice. Sage, 2001.

  • White, Monica M. Freedom farmers: Agricultural resistance and the black freedom movement. UNC Press Books, 2018.