#AAGDC, part 1
Megan Betz
Each year at AAGs, part of the notes I make are readings I need to revisit. Many times, those notes get forgotten in the rush of getting home & settling back into dissertation writing, parenting, working, living. This year, I wanted to capture them all & figure out where to go with them. I think this list shows a few things: the productive overlap between decolonial, (Black) feminist, and multispecies; the amount of information we take in at AAGs (for me, during 3 sessions a day Thursday through Sunday); the fact that there’s always more reading (& that I can’t read all of this while getting my dissertation done, because this list will lead to another list). I have more thoughts on AAGs, which I’m hoping to share here in the coming weeks, but in the chance your reading list also gets forgotten in the shuffle, I wanted to share this. May it jog some memories or send you into that glorious “flow state,” tumbling through a wormhole of citations & chasing the ideas for your next paper. May it also, for me personally, be an inch toward a stronger politics of citations–a weeding out of voices we’ve heard & amplifying of voices we need. This list isn’t as robust in that way as it could be, & I welcome your additions. Share your own lists, too! Let’s make the work we did last week memorable & visible.
Barad, Karen. Meeting the universe halfway: Quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. duke university Press, 2007.
de La Bellacasa, Maria Puig. "Matters of care in technoscience: Assembling neglected things." Social studies of science 41.1 (2011): 85-106.
Deborah Bird, et al. "Thinking through the environment, unsettling the humanities." Environmental Humanities 1.1 (2012): 1-5.
Fried, Stephanie G. "Tropical forests forever? A contextual ecology of Bentian rattan agroforestry systems." People, plants, and justice: The politics of nature conservation. Columbia University Press, New York (2000): 204-233.
Ginn, Franklin. "Death, absence and afterlife in the garden." cultural geographies 21.2 (2014): 229-245.
Han, Ju Hui Judy. "Neither friends nor foes: Thoughts on ethnographic distance." Geoforum 41.1 (2010): 11-14.
Irigaray, Luce, and Michael Marder. Through Vegetal Being: Two Philosophical Perspectives. Columbia University Press, 2016.
Lorimer, Hayden. "Cultural geography: the busyness of beingmore-than-representational'." Progress in human geography 29.1 (2005): 83-94.
Lorimer, Jamie. "Nonhuman charisma." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 25.5 (2007): 911-932.
Margulies, Jared D. "Making the ‘man-eater’: Tiger conservation as necropolitics." Political Geography 69 (2019): 150-161.
Margulis, Lynn. Symbiotic planet: a new look at evolution. Basic Books, 2008.
Margulis, Lynn, and Karlene V. Schwartz. Five kingdoms. WH freeman, 1988.
Massumi, Brian. "The autonomy of affect." Cultural critique 31 (1995): 83-109.
Mol, Anne-Marie
Nealon, Jeffrey T. Plant theory: Biopower and vegetable life. Stanford University Press, 2015.
Philo, Chris, and Chris Wilbert. Animal Spaces, Beastly Places. Routledge, 2004.
Roelvink, Gerda, Kevin St Martin, and J. K. Gibson-Graham, eds. Making other worlds possible: Performing diverse economies. U of Minnesota Press, 2015.
Rose, Frickel, Scott, et al. "Undone science: charting social movement and civil society challenges to research agenda setting." Science, Technology, & Human Values 35.4 (2010): 444-473.
Santos-Granero, Fernando
Simon, Gregory L., and Sarah Dooling. "Flame and fortune in California: The material and political dimensions of vulnerability." Global Environmental Change 23.6 (2013): 1410-1423.
Taylor, Sunaura. “On Ableism and Animals.” The New Inquiry, May 30, 2017.
Tsing, Anna. Friction: An ethnography of global connection. Princeton University Press, 2011.
Van Dooren, Thom, and Deborah Bird Rose. "Storied-places in a multispecies city." Humanimalia 3.2 (2012): 1-27.
Woese, Carl R., Otto Kandler, and Mark L. Wheelis. "Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87.12 (1990): 4576-4579.
Gagliano, Monica. Thus Spoke the Plant. North Atlantic Books, 2018.
Ahmed, Sara. "Collective feelings: Or, the impressions left by others." Theory, culture & society 21.2 (2004): 25-42.
Blair, Heather. “Grief in the Grocery Store.” Standing Still Magazine, April 22, 2015.
Clarke, Adele E., Carrie Friese, and Rachel Washburn. "Introduction to situational analysis." (2011).
Gould, Kevin A. "Anxiety, epistemology, and policy research “behind enemy lines”." Geoforum 41.1 (2010): 15-18.
Jackson, Zakiyyah Iman. "Animal: New directions in the theorization of race and posthumanism." (2013): 669-685.
Lewis, Jovan Scott. "Releasing a Tradition: Diasporic Epistemology and the Decolonized Curriculum." The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 36.2 (2018): 21-33.
Lugones, María. “Toward a Decolonial Feminism” Hypatia, 25.4 (2010): 742–759.
Mirza, Heidi Safia. "All the women are white, all the blacks are men–but some of us are brave: mapping the consequences of invisibility for black and minority ethnic women in Britain." Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain (2003): 121-138.
Murphy, Michelle. "Immodest witnessing: The epistemology of vaginal self-examination in the US feminist self-help movement." Feminist Studies 30.1 (2004): 115-147.
Bodorkós, Barbara, and György Pataki. "Local communities empowered to plan? Applying PAR to establish democratic communicative spaces for sustainable rural development." Action Research 7.3 (2009): 313-334.
Brydon-Miller, Mary, Davydd Greenwood, and Patricia Maguire. "Why action research?." (2003): 9-28.
Derickson, Kate Driscoll, and Paul Routledge. "Resourcing scholar-activism: Collaboration, transformation, and the production of knowledge." The Professional Geographer 67.1 (2015): 1-7.
Reason, Peter, and Hilary Bradbury, eds. Handbook of action research: Participative inquiry and practice. Sage, 2001.
White, Monica M. Freedom farmers: Agricultural resistance and the black freedom movement. UNC Press Books, 2018.