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Filtering by Category: work-life balance

a summer's silence (& a baby, for real)

Megan Betz

I'm not good at taking it easy. Three days after coming home from the hospital, I thought I was feeling good. I fed our baby & told my husband I was running to Target--my first time away from Baby--to pick up a few items for this weird post-partum body. By the time I walked into the store, I was regretting my decision. I ended up waddling around the store in pain, holding back tears. I'd strained my body already. By the time I got home, all I could do was stand in the kitchen & cry while my husband took my shoes off. He helped me into bed, & I vowed to take my time with the rest of my recovery. 

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- 27 -

Megan Betz

I am entering my 27th year. This is meant to be a big one--big ambitions for my personal & professional year. I'm attempting to organize my first AAG paper session. I'm editing my first articles that I hope to have published. Research agendas are set. A calendar of deadlines--grants, papers, projects, abstracts--hangs on my home office wall. I'm attempting to thin my obligations & create time for my life outside of work. As a toast to that ambition, I'm trying to reclaim my blogging. It's a small step back to the type of writing I've most enjoyed doing, creative nonfiction. While I won't clutter this blog with personal tid-bits, I would like to begin posting collections of the Internet & life that seem to be most refreshing. Here's such a post, or "A List As I Turn 27".

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    one day off

    Megan Betz

    Take one day off a week. This is advice they give each incoming graduate student during orientation. I thought I was listening, thought that after getting my Master's I knew what was coming. I wasn't, and I didn't. I fizzled out in my second semester. Hard. So, I'm removing obligations from my life, acknowledging that I'm in a position to allow myself to let things go--and acknowledging that I am replaceable. I'm building a 9-5 schedule for the summer and giving myself Saturday or Sunday completely free of obligations each week. 

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