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Filtering by Category: work-life balance


Megan Betz

It has been a while since I’ve posted to this blog. That’s not necessarily unusual. I’ve taken long gaps before. I can say confidently, however, that this break has been one of my most challenging–a first foray into the academic job market & an exhausting season of life overall. By mid-October, I had lost track fo the last time I’d taken any space for mental health–for hobbies or reading or resting. My “to-do list” reminding me to exercise three times each week and pause to enjoy a hobby four times a week had gone unchecked in my planner for weeks. My dissertation writing had gone largely untouched outside of my weekly dissertation writing group. And so, I started carving a path back to myself.

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Megan Betz

This fall, I'm trying to be more deliberate with my time, since so little of it can be dedicated to the various aspects of my life beyond my full-time job. I'm taking weekends for myself (mostly--though workdays, my primary time for fieldwork, takes place during my daughter's Saturday nap time), doing one thing at a time more regularly, and using more university resources to my advantage.

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