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Filtering by Category: work-life balance

50 days ago

Megan Betz

More than 50 days ago, I posted about a recent severe uptake in sugar consumption & decrease in writing time. (For once, correlation does equal causation. I was so sugar-dazed that the only thing I wanted to do was watch reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and then Angel for a combined 13 seasons of 90s glory.)

I'm happy to say that--even though I've been frequenting the ice cream shop down the road--I've made progress on both counts. My log of daily writing time has legitimate notes for most of the 50 days, though the time (and the balance between writing and other writing-ish activities) could use some readjusting. This week, while my co-workers are at the AAG annual meeting, I plan to dedicate myself to the semester's remaining projects + construct a calendar of grant application deadlines, degree requirements, and the like.

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50 days

Megan Betz

Last night, surrounded by blankets and used tissues and my husband, I spent some time feeling really sorry for myself. We were watching videos from my husband's favorite video game site. They were talking about the addictive nature of video games, and one of them mentioned that it takes something like 50 days to form a habit. I'm in no way saying that they have any science to back up this claim, but I am saying that 50 days is three things: less than the time I've been binge eating sugar, so I can tell myself this isn't yet a habit; less than three months, so it doesn't seem too long; and something to use as a target.

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