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a first foray into foraging

Megan Betz

This year, I tried to scale up on my foraging. Moving from recognizing or snacking to gathering & attempting to work with at a larger scale. When I asked Facebook who had mulberries trees I could harvest from, more people than I expected responded. Some offered up their yards. Others offered up the tree dipping over a lot still for sale that one just off the bike trail that cuts through town. Here’s what we came away with.

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#AAG2018, part 2 of 2

Megan Betz

Last week, in part 1 of 2, I shared the highlights of my time at the 2018 AAG annual meeting. While I enjoyed the critical thinking other sessions inspired me to do, the opportunity to co-organize two sessions (1, 2) on vegetal politics with Jake Fleming stands out as a turning point in how I think through, discuss, & write my multispecies work. The session was especially meaningful to me, as we received co-sponsorship from the following specialty groups:  Animal Geography, Biogeography, & Cultural and Political Ecology. Together with the diverse group of attendees, the sessions demonstrated a mass of interest among geographers in critically examining the role of plants in world-making and relationship-building, as well as an exploration of where this work "belongs"/happens/is needed in our discipline. Here are some key takeaways.

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#AAG2018, part 1 of 2

Megan Betz

While I only got to spend two days at #AAG2018, it was, I think, my favorite experience at the annual geography conference. From seminar formats to the unending honesty & reflexive tone to the sessions, my work benefited so much from the 48 hours I got to be at this year's conference. Here were my highlights before I share about the session I co-organized in part 2.

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